Authors: Baldeep K. Dhaliwal, Aastha Kant, Rajeev Seth, Yawar Qaiyum, Vijayluxmi Bose, Kayur Mehta, Anita Shet Ms. Baldeep K. Dhaliwal and Dr…
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health Sustainable Health Futures: Building Adaptability and Durability in Public Health Research Investments
Vaccines The Story of Bacteria and Vaccines in the Fight Against Malaria
Author: Dr. Dipika Mishra. I hold a Ph.D. degree in Life Sciences from the National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) and am a SciCom…
Vaccines Why are vaccines so controversial?
Riots. Smoke. Burning of laws. Protests, screaming, families torn apart.This, albeit extreme, is the heartbreaking reality of what discussions about vaccines have…
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health Harnessing the Power of Vaccines in Jordan: Steps in introducing the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV)
Authors: Dr. Ala’a Al-Shaikh is an Expanded Programme on Immunization Officer with the World Health Organization who led this work in Jordan…
Health Care Optimizing the Preventive Power of HPV Vaccine Introduction among AGYW in India
Authors: Preetika Banerjee, Public Health Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center; Ipsita Bhattacharjee, Regional Medical Advisor for Women’s Health at a leading…
Covid-19 Polarised views or ambivalence? Vaccines through teenage eyes
Note: Header image (figure 1 below) was created from self-portraits contributed by UK secondary school students taking part in the Infecting Minds…